
Please pray for someone very important to me who is facing an unknown health scare. We hope to know more this week, but in the meantime, please keep them in your prayers. God works miracles.

Jul-22 / last prayer 7h ago

Thank you all who prayed about me getting the job. God blessed with the job

Jul-22 / last rejoice 4h ago

Please pray for my Mom, she has vascular dementia along with bipolar disorder. She is having a psychotic episode and is being admitted for evaluation. Please pray for God to protect her mind.

Jul-22 / last prayer 7h ago

Hello Summit church, Would you please help us to pray for healing and salvation in Christ Jesus. Thank you!

Jul-26 / last prayer 4h ago

My girlfriend is leaving today for a 30 eating disorder treatment. Hope she stays strong and comes back better

Jul-22 / last prayer 7h ago

Prayers For Positive Results From Blood Test For Physical

Jul-25 / last prayer 7h ago

18 year old Impact Senior has been diagnosed with Chiari Malformation. She is experiencing dizziness, loss of memory, loss of vision & loss of freedom that most 18 yr olds have. Have 3 MRIs on 6/11.

May-16 / last prayer 4h ago

My husband and I have decided to divorce, not a choice that we came to lightly. We have 2 small kids. I pray that we are able to navigate this process as amicably as possible for the sake of our kids

Jul-24 / last prayer 4h ago

Praying that my mother will find purpose & identity past her cancer diagnosis.Praying for healing for relatives after varying challenges & my wife with help moving on.

Jul-25 / last prayer 7h ago

My 6 month old has surgery tomorrow morning and I was just diagnosed with an auto immune disease last Friday Please pray for the health of my household & guidance on how to navigate this new diagnosis

Jul-22 / last prayer 4h ago

My daughter is having surgery tomorrow. Prayers for a smooth surgery, recovery, and an anxious mama.

Jul-22 / last prayer 7h ago

Adult son has gone through a nasty divorce and has children. He needs support and love with new friends.

Jul-23 / last prayer 4h ago

1 Samuel 1:27. After each experiencing miscarriages, my dear friend and I are both 8 weeks pregnant. Thank you for praying for us through the miscarriages and for God to bless us with pregnancies.

Jul-24 / last rejoice 4h ago

I am full of pain and grief as I seek love from my partner who refuses to pour back into my cup. I am mentally drained yet I still crave his presence. Please pray for me during this painful season.

Jul-25 / last prayer 7h ago

Our family business is really struggling. It's our livelihood. Please pray for peace, answers, guidance and wisdom during this economy and our future in it.

Jul-25 / last prayer 7h ago

Hey, can you please pray for me that I get this job with the state. I cried after leaving the interview because of the poor performance I felt I did over the nerves. It's life changing for my son & I.

Jul-22 / last prayer 7h ago

My heart is heavy for those make mistakes and when they ask for forgiveness we should as God would. Pray for peace in this request.

Jul-22 / last prayer 4h ago